zondag 21 juli 2013



Finally I arrived in Poland. We had some problems, our GPS did not work in Poland. All in all, we are herequickly haha! As you can see, I found my way to the internet. It's 25 degrees, amazing! I also only have dresses and skirts with me. I secretly hope there is a chance to get a tan. I'm somewhere on top of a mountain in Poland with a super nice view! In the coming days we are going to visit a lot. I look forward to it!

Dankzij mijn reispil werd ik voor de eerste keer in mijn leven niet misselijk door te lezen!
Thanks to my pill I didn't get sick for the first time of my live through reading in the car!

My present for my diploma, safely protected!

This is my view for the upcoming week. Wow!


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